

Tasweer Awards 2024 - Single Image Award
Frequently Asked Questions:

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Are the Sheikh Saud Al Thani Awards and the Tasweer Awards the same Award Programme?

Yes. However, starting from 2024, please apply for the annual Tasweer Project and Single Image Awards.

Who can enter the Tasweer Single Image Award open call?

Any photographer who is currently resident in the Western Asia and North Africa (WANA) region can apply.

What are the crucial dates in the open call process?

  • Open call and submissions open 13th March and ends 05th of May 2024
  • Jury deliberations on 19th May 2024
  • Awardees will be contacted following Jury deliberations and finalisations
  • The awardees will be publicly announced by September 2024

*process doesn’t include public holidays (Eid, etc)

What types of image file formats will the open call accept?

Tasweer accepts your image file in jpeg, tiff and png format.

What is the maximum image size?

Your image size should be no larger than 2,000 pixels.

What format does each of the filenames need to take?

This is a crucial step to get right when you are submitting to the Tasweer Single Image Award open call. File names are a mandatory field in the submission process. We need you to follow these guidelines, otherwise we cannot guarantee that your image/open call will reach the jurors. Your image filename is to be formatted with your First and Last Name _ Image Title

Example: Ali Hamed_The Genesis

Can I submit a video instead of a still image?  

Apologies but no, the Tasweer Single Image Award is only open for the submission of single still photographic images.

Can I submit an image that has already won an award, or has been entered in a previous competition?


Can I submit more than one form?


We work as a duo/collective/family – can we jointly submit an image to the open call?

Yes. As long as you have/receive the consent from your partner or collaborator.

How will I know if my open call submission has been received?

We will send a confirmation email. If we see any problems or omissions from your submission, we will contact you within one week.  To avoid any last-minute problems or surprise glitches, we highly recommend that you submit your application before the deadline date of 05 May 2024.

How will I know if my open call submission image has been selected?

You will receive an official email from Tasweer.

How will I know if my open call submission image has been selected to be exhibited in a public space?

Tasweer will contact you directly if you have been selected, and let you know where your image will be displayed and how we are proposing to print and frame your image.

Will Tasweer archive my submission, even if I am not shortlisted by the award jury?

All submissions may be stored, archived and digitally preserved. If you do not want your submissions to be stored, please contact us at

If my work is selected, what is the copyright/image license relationship with Tasweer that I am agreeing to?

See Terms & Conditions below for the wording of the agreement. In summary, if you are selected for a 2024 award, we ask that you agree to Tasweer disseminating your open call submission image – fully credited to you – for non-commercial promotion of the Tasweer Awards and Tasweer.  Tasweer will inform you and work with you with regards to printed reproduction and any related material rendering of your image.

If my images are not selected, what is the copyright/image license relationship with Tasweer that I am agreeing to?

You will always retain full copyright even if you are selected. By submitting your photograph, you grant Tasweer the license to use your image online. If at any time, you would like Tasweer to no longer be able to use your image, please contact the Tasweer team at

What expectations are there of me in relation to the single image award?

Our hope is that you keep us informed and updated with what's the latest of your photography journey. We would also like to have the option of approaching you if there are opportunities to exhibit your new work as part of Tasweer 2025. If you are selected, we will create an agreement that will include a detailed schedule of both Tasweer’s and your expectations.

For any further questions please contact the Tasweer team at